


Tel:020-83981263Talk to us via Wechat:LesPetitsDaycareAdd:广州市天河区马场路28号之二4302单元 (太阳新天地旁)  8大最易致敏食物  1. Milk 牛奶2. Egg 鸡蛋3. Peanuts 花生4. Tree nuts (such as walnuts or almonds)     木本坚果(比如核桃、杏仁)5. Fish 鱼类6. Shellfish 贝壳类7. Soy 大豆8. Wheat 小麦 食物过敏症状  Food allergy symptoms usually appear very soon after the food is eaten -- within a few minutes to a couple of hours. If you’re introducing a new food to your baby, keep an eye out for these symptoms:食物过敏的症状通常在吃下致敏食物后的几分钟内到几个小时之内出现。如果你准备让宝宝尝试之前尚未吃过的食物,要留意下面这些症状:  1. Hives or welts/荨麻疹或疙瘩2. Flushed skin or rash/皮肤发红或起疹子3. Face, tongue, or lip swelling    脸部、舌头或嘴唇肿胀4. Vomiting and/or diarrhea/呕吐及/或腹泻5. Coughing or wheezing/咳嗽或喘气6. Difficulty breathing/呼吸困难7. Loss of consciousness/失去意识 Severe allergic reactions can be fatal very quickly. If your baby is having trouble breathing/wheezing, has swelling on her face/lips, or develops severe vomiting or diarrhea after eating, immediately call 120 or take her to the hospital. 严重的过敏反应能迅速导致死亡。如果发现宝宝呼吸困难或严重喘气,脸上或嘴唇肿胀,或者吃过某种食物后严重呕吐或腹泻,应该马上拨打120或到医院就医。The Family Food-Allergy Connection食物过敏的家族联系  If there is a family food allergies, your baby has an increased risk of also developing allergies, although it is not a certainty. If you have the allergies, the odds are 50-50 for her to have them as well. 虽然未能完全确定,但如果家里有人对食物过敏,那么你的宝宝对食物过敏的风险较高。如果你对食物过敏,那么你的宝宝就有一半的机会也会对食物敏感。Dealing With Mild Food Allergies如何应对轻度食物过敏  If you see mild symptoms, such as hives or a rash, go to see the doctor for further evaluation. Once your baby’s specific allergies are identified, the doctor will give you an action plan for managing the allergies and dealing with accidental exposures.如果发现荨麻疹或皮疹等轻度过敏症状,就应该找医生做个评估。一旦确定了特定的过敏原,医生会告诉你应该如何应对过敏及处理意外过敏情况。 Remember, a baby’s initial allergic reaction to a new food may be mild, but it may get worse upon following exposures. Some allergies go away with time. Egg and milk allergies often go away as children get older, but peanut, tree nut, and shellfish allergies tend to persist.记住,婴儿对致敏食物的第一次过敏症状可能会比较轻,但继续食用可使症状变得严重。有一些过敏会随着时间推移而消失。鸡蛋和牛奶过敏通常在孩子长大之后消失,而花生、木本坚果和贝壳类食物过敏则会长时间持续。Introducing New Food尝试新食物  Remember to introduce only one new type of food to your baby at a time, in case of food allergies. Each time you offer a new food, you should wait 3 to 5 days before adding another new item to themenu.要记住每次让宝宝尝试新的食物时,只能尝试一种,避免发生食物过敏。每尝试一种新的食物,都要等上3-5天再尝试另一种新食物。Protecting Baby against Food Allergies预防婴儿食物过敏  1. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is recommending that potential allergens be introduced to your infant earlier rather than later. In doing so, the move may actually help prevent her from developing allergies to those foods.1. 美国儿科学会(AAP)推荐应尽早让婴儿接触潜在的过敏食物。这样做可以帮助预防婴儿对这些食物产生过敏。 2. Breastfeeding you baby for 4-6 months is the best way to prevent a milk allergy. When you begin to introducing whole milk, you should do so under a doctor’s supervision.2. 使用母乳喂养婴儿4-6个月是预防牛奶过敏的最佳方法。当你准备让宝宝尝试饮用全脂牛奶的时候,应该在医生的指导下进行。 3. The AAP now advises that, in the case of infants who are at high risk of allergies, peanuts should be introduced between 4-6 months. Infants at highest risk of developing peanut allergies are those with eczema or egg allergies or both. 3. 美国儿科学会建议,食物敏感发生机会较高的婴儿应该在4-6个月的时候尝试接触花生。那些长湿疹或者对鸡蛋过敏,或者两者兼有的婴儿发生花生过敏的几率最高。 Other potential allergens such as tree nuts and fish should be introduced over a period of time as you introduce your baby to solid foods, between 6 and 9 months.其他潜在的致敏食物,比如木本坚果和鱼类则应该在婴儿6-9个月之间,喂食其他固体食物一段时间后再接触。 You should wait until at least age 1 (some experts say age 2) to introduce honey, which can cause a potentially serious disease called infant botulism. Ask your pediatrician for guidance.而蜂蜜则应该在1岁以后(一些专家认为应在2岁后)再尝试,因为蜂蜜可以导致一种叫做婴儿肉毒中毒综合征的严重疾病。若要尝试蜂蜜,一定要咨询你的儿科医生。 









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