好详细喔~~ 太感谢你了!
Preparation of Karicare Gold Plus Toddler | ||||
1. Wash hands before preparing the feed. Wash & rinse cup or bottle & all utensils thoroughly. | 2. Using the scoop enclosed, add 4 level scoops of powder to 200mL of drinking water. Fill the scoop lightly using the built-in leveller. For smaller volumes simply add 1 scoop to each 50mL of water. | 3. Whisk, shake or stir the mixture briskly to dissolve powder. Serve immediately, or for a cold drink chill in the coldest part of the refrigerator for 1 hour before serving. For a warm drink, heat slightly before serving. | ||
Prepare each bottle separately. For all brands of formula, it is safer to use immediately after they are prepared. 1 scoop =9.7g of powder. NOTE: 1 scoop of powder added to 50mL of water yields 58mL of formula. |
Easy to mix powder | Recipe Suggestion |
(Scoop enclosed) | Fruit Smoothie |
Karicare Gold Plus nutritional supplement mixes easily in cool or luke warm water. It has a delicious taste that toddlers love & it can be used on it\'s own or mixed with other foods suitable for a toddler. | 1/2 cup Karicare Gold Plus 1/2 cup fruit Either whisk or blend all the ingredients. Serve cold for a special treat or as a nutritious & great tasting snack or meal. |
牛奶固形物(有机乳清,乳糖,浓缩乳蛋白,脱脂乳,乳清蛋白)纯天然植物油, 葡萄糖浆(来自玉米),Omega 3 & Omega 6亚油酸,亚麻酸,[花生四烯酸油脂, 金枪鱼油,抗氧化剂(Vc钠,棕榈酸,天然复合维生素E)],大豆卵磷脂,牛磺酸,胆碱。 维生素 (A, B1, B3, B6, B12, C, D, E, K1),泛酸脂,β-胡萝卜素,叶酸,生物素。 矿物质 钙、镁、铁、锌、硒、钾、钠、铜、碘、锰。 五种核苷酸 (5’-核胞嘧啶、5’-核尿嘌呤、5’-核脲嘧啶、5 ’-核腺嘌呤、5 ’-核鸟嘌 |
每次食用前请注意消毒 奶瓶,奶嘴等食具。 | 先煮好开水凉至37C°左右。 | 注入适量的温开水至奶瓶中。 |
量取适量的奶粉,注意 要把奶粉刮平,保证量取 的准确性。 | 把奶粉倒入已经量好的温水中, 注意(一勺奶粉兑50毫升水) | 充分摇匀,并滴一些到手腕的位置,感觉温度不会烫伤孩子。 |
年 龄 温开水量 量匙数 每天喂哺次数
3)关于惠氏金装S26一段奶粉:具有大量纯净的乳清蛋白对孩子的睡眠和大脑发育有很好的促进作用。 |
SMA — Per 100 mL | |||
Energy | 278 | kJ | |
Protein | 1.5 | g | |
Fat | 3.6 | g | |
Carbohydrate | 7.0 | g | |
Vitamin A | 75 | μg | |
Vitamin B6 | 55 | μg | |
Vitamin B12 | 0.2 | μg | |
Vitamin C | 9 | mg | |
Vitamin D | 1 | μg | |
Vitamin E | 0.74 | mg | |
Vitamin K | 6.7 | μg | |
Biotin | 2 | μg | |
Niacin | 500 | μg | |
Folate | 8 | μg | |
Pantothenic Acid | 300 | μg | |
Taurine | 4.7 | mg | |
Choline | 6.7 | mg | |
Calcium | 56 | mg | |
Copper | 56 | μg | |
Iodine | 10 | μg | |
Iron | 0.8 | mg | |
Magnesium | 5.3 | mg | |
Manganese | 10 | μg | |
Phosphorus | 44 | mg | |
Zinc | 0.6 | mg | |
Chloride | 55 | mg | |
Potassium | 88 | mg | |
Sodium | 22 | mg |