林子妈:support.I want to learn English now,but it is so difficult for me.查看原文请问基础好么?英语可能刚开始学觉得难,时间久了,学的东西只会越来越多,那时候就会觉得容易很多哦,加油哈!
cooooool...m wanna speak more,now m thinking 2 return watching american TV series..it is very helpful 2 improve oral.m down wv u...
趴儿娘:cooooool...m wanna speak more,now m thinking 2 return watching american TV series..it is very helpful 2 improve oral.m down wv u...查看原文真的呀,呵呵,那我有时间也得去看看
happylifeoct:Thank you, dear.It's quite useful, most of the sentence is easy but we can not speak them out since we have not used them for a long time. 查看原文嘿嘿,那妈妈基础不错呀,英语都是越说越好滴,时间久了没说的话是会有点生疏哦!