我有链接,大家可以打开看看,我在加州首府,这里的医院收费,顺产,大家可以参考。只是一晚住院的时间,没有用药的费用。其他另计。我系下午5点入院Sutter Memorial,晚上11点出世。所以住左两晚医院。http://www.betterbirthsacramento.com/Local%20Hospital%20Comparison.html#servicesKaiser Roseville23.2%$8,006Birth Balls Acceptable Kaiser South14.2%$8,006 Mercy Folsom19.4%$10,417 Mercy General26.3%$10,417 Mercy Methodist22.2%$10,417 Level 2 NICUMercy San Juan25.1%$10,417 Level 3 Trauma Center and NICUSutter Davis14.8%$7,261Most nurses speak SpanishSutter Memorial25.8%$13,875 Sutter Roseville25.2%$7,822 UC Davis Medical Center25.3%$12,384Has Breastfeding Support Group Tuesdays and Thursdays* Approx cost for very basic birth including Room and Board for one day (if a patient were to stay past midnight they would have to pay for another day), 8 hours of labor assessment and observation, 8 hours of IV hydration (without medications), and the delivery. All medications, interventions, and procedures are additional costs.